AcmeBase Download

This project has been abandoned. The code base is no longer being maintained.

AcmeBase can be downloaded here: acmebase-latest.tar.gz.

This version of AcmeBase is free software. It is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

An annotated list of the AcmeBase files and their locations can be found at


AcmeBase installs as an Apache website and requires a Postgres or MySQL database. Extract the download file into the web site directory and edit the following configuration files before executing any programs.

The shell script clone/setupdb is used to setup and initialize the system. It has several settings that need to be edited before executing. The etc/site.conf is the primary system configuration file. It also needs to be edited before executing clone/setupdb. Refer to the clone/README.txt file for more instructions on how to set up the system.

The main documentation files are in html/doc.

The following steps should be done on the target computer before extracting files from the downloaded tar file.

  1. Set up the Postgres software and initialize the database.
  2. Create a Postgres database for the company.
  3. Set up a system user who will "own" the company's database.
  4. Change to be the database user just created.
  5. Create a directory to be the web site's root directory.
  6. Change your current directory to the directory just created.
  7. Extract files from tar ball:
    $ tar xvzf acmebase-latest.tar.gz
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